JioFi 4G LTE portable hotspot router is also called a pocket 4G router to use a single plan with multiple users while traveling and at home. JioFi 4G router marketed by reliance with the Jio brand and it’s similar to Airtel 4G hotspot router marketed by Airtel. If you purchased JioFi LTE 4G router and still using the default WiFI name and password as printed to the JioFi router box then a lot of possibilities to miss use your Jio WiFi hotspot plan. While buying a new Wi-Fi router, 4G hotspot router always recommended changing default settings before using. You can change JioFi 4G WiFI SSID name and password within a few minutes from mobile as well as PC using login URL jiofi.local.html or default JioFi IP address.
Jio 4G hotspot does not support a wired connection so you can only access settings with wifi connection wither from mobile or laptop using default wifi name and password. The default WIFI name, password, and login access URL with login password you can get from device box or quick user manual included with JioFi. Unbox your JioFi router and follow the steps to log in and configure it the first time.
You need the default WiFi SSID and Security key for the Jio Hotspot router that printed to your hotspot router box as well as the below hotspot device battery that checks by removing the backside cover. If you lost the Router packing box and want to connect JioFi then follow the steps here.
DBC ONT Login Admin Username and Password
JioFi Local login settings also printed to router box and inside LTE router below battery sticker.
Jio Login IP Address – or Default JioFi Login URL– jiofi.local.html
Default Username– administrator
Default Password– administrator
Default WiFi SSID– JioFi-4G (find your SSID in the box)
Default Wi-Fi Password– find wifi password hotspot router sticker.
List of Default Login IP Address, Username and password
Open the browser and access http://jiofi.local.html or and wait to load the login page.
Use “administrator” login username and password for a first-time Jio router.
You will redirect to jiofi.local.html/index.htm where you can check wifi settings, password, and other configurations. You need to authenticate your router with a username and password.
Provide login username and password and press the Login button to access settings.
Once you successfully authenticate to the router web interface you get full access to modify configuration and setup. The priority is to change the default Wireless name and password to protect your hotspot internet.
Go to the Settings tab from the top menu.
Settings – WiFi
Wi-Fi Settings
SSID- JioFi2_mksq (change this default Jio WiFI name with a new WiFi name as per your choice you want to use for your Jio 4G internet.
Tx Power – High
Wireless Security– WPA2-PSK
Wireless Encryption Type– AES
Security key– jiofi2-xcvtr (create new wifi name for your 4G hotspot wifi.
(use a stronger wifi password with Alfa numeric and special key character combination.
Press the Apply button and save settings. Your mobile, laptop, and another wifi user will be disconnected after changing the WiFi name and password. Connect your mobile or laptop with a new wifi name and password and follow further configuration.
The next important and highly recommended configuration step is to change the default Jiofi web interface password.
Default login username and password easily available on rel Jio website and another technical website over the internet so it is always recommended to update login password.
Settings- User Management
Account Management
Username- administrator (default jiofi login)
Password- administrator (default)
New Password- New Jio Login Password (create a new login password for JioFi.Local.Html)
Press the Apply button and save settings.
You can also change Language Settings from English to any different as per your country’s language.
Apart from login settings if you facing any trouble while accessing jiofi web interface.
If you are getting errors while accessing jiofi local.html or the JioFi Login IP address not working then follow steps below to fix the login issue. Turn on your 4G hotspot router and follow the steps to fix the error my jio account login.
These are the simple steps to login and setup Jiofi 4G router using mobile and laptop to change factory settings to protect your wifi name.
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