
Secureye Fiber ONT Modem Login and Setup Manual

Secureye Fiber ONT Modem Login and Setup

Setup and login Secureye FTTH ONT modem for the first time using default login IP address and username password is simple as configuring any other Fiber ont such as Syrotech, VSOL, Netlink, DBC, etc. Secureye dual-band Fiber ONT and single-band Fiber ONT or Secure eye without WiFi ONT login steps are the same. Secureye default login password for Daul band ONT might be different from the single band and Non WIFI ont login password. Login Secureye s-xpon-1110-wdont and Secureye Non-WIFI ONU device default IP address, username, and password printed to ONT sticker and box as well.

Although Secureye Fiber ONT default IP address is which is used by most of fiber ONT brands as well as routers. Secureeye ONT modem is compatible with Secureye FTTH OLT as well as third-party GPON/EPON OLT such as Syrotech, DBC, Netlink, Optilink, and others. Configuration of Secureye ONT modem can be manual from ONT web interface as well as remote configurations from OLT device as well. If you are an internet subscriber and your internet provider installs Secureye fiber ONT device and you wish to change Default Secureye WIFI password and SSID network name then you can follow this user guide. Before starting configuration Secureye ONT modem router you need to check the default login credential for your ONT.

Secureye FTTH ONT/ONU Default Login Username and password

Find default login IP address, username, and password printed to your Secureye ont modem box as well as ONT device sticker itself.

Secureye fiber modem used different usernames and passwords for Single-band and Dual-band so using the same username password might not work.

Secureye ONT Default IP address-

Default username and password for Single-band ONT-  admin/admin

Default username and password for Dual-band ONT – ispsecureye/ ispsecureye

 Locate default settings printed to ONT sticker as well as a sticker printed to ONU box before login ont settings. Now follow steps o login Secureye ont device settings to the web browser.

Login Secureye Fiber Dual-band ONT Settings

Once you get login settings details for your fiber ONT device, now you need to connect ONT using LAN cable or wireless connection if your secureye ont support WLAN as well.

  • Power ON ONT /ONU device using DC adapter comes with a device if connect the first time.
  • Connect Fiber cable to PON port.
  • Connect LAN cable from Ethernet port to PC/Laptop LAN port.
  • Use Default WIFI name and password as printed to sticker for wireless connection.
  • Make sure your PC LAN settings are in DHCP mode to get the IP address from the ONT modem.
  • Open a web browser and access and wait to load ont the login page.
  • You will get a Secureye ONT modem login page with a username and password option.
  • Use default username and password as printed to sticker and type security test to confirm you are not a bot.
  • The first time log in you will ask to change the default login password in the next steps.
  • Change the Default login password for ONT and log in again with a new admin login password.


After successful login now you can configure WAN internet settings as per your internet type and wireless configuration to update the default SSID and security key.

Internet WAN Settings

If your ONT is not configured and you want to configure yourself then you need to get internet settings from your ISP.

If your internet supports Static IP type then ask to get static IP details and if internetwork with PPPoE then get Dialup username and password.

Go to Network-Internet settings

Choose Connection type Route and select internet type from Static or PPPoE and provide settings accordingly.

After internet configuration now follows steps to change Wireless SSID and security key to protect your wifi internet.

Change Secureye Wireless SSID and Password

Default Wireless name and password printed to router sticker and its also available on user manual or official website so it should be changed during first time login is very important. Change the Wireless Network name and password is a bit simple to update any other router wireless settings.

Go to Network – WLAN from the top menu as shown below the image.

WLAN basic

Under the WLAN setting, you will get 2.4Ghz and 5Ghz wireless settings if your ont support Dual-band. For single-band ONT, you will get only 2.4GHZ settings, and ONT without WIFI will not show WLAN settings.

Band- 2.4GHz (BGN)  select 5GHz for change 5Ghz wireless settings.

Mode- AP

SSID– Change Default SSID and create a new SSID here.

Channel Width- 20Mhz  (you can use channel width depending on internet plan speed)

Channel Number – Auto (you can select manual also if using multiple AP at the same location.


After all settings press Apply settings button and go to the WLAN security option to change the Wireless key.

You may disconnect from Network if using wireless to access router settings please connect again with the new name and follow the steps to change security and other settings.

Change Secureye Fiber Modem Security key

If your connection is lost after changing the SSID name connect again using the new name and old Wifi password and go to network-WLAN again to change security.

Network- WLAN- WLAN security

SSID Type- Select the SSID you want to configure the Security key.

Encryption- WPA2 Mixed

WPA cipher type- TKIP

WPA2 Cphier type- AES

Preshared key format= passphrase

Pre-shared key- create wifi password here.


Apply changes and connect again with the new WIFI name and password for further configuration.

Also, you can enable a Mac access list, content filtering, firewall, and port forwarding option to protect your network and devices.


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