
Login Hitron FTTH ONT Modem- Ultimate guide

How to Login Hitron FTTH ONT Modem

Login Hitron Fiber ONT either GPON or EPON ONT is required to change the default configuration when you are setting up the internet plan the first time. ONT device a last-mile connectivity device that works with FTTH OLT installed and internet service provider server side. The login method for Hitron EPON, XG-PON, and XGS-GPON is the same only login IP addresses might be different for each model. There are a few different ONT model series in Hitron NOVA 2000, NOVA 2004, NOVA 2302, and NOVA 2304 are FTTH ONU models.

There are different models of Hitron Fiber ONT either ONT without WIFI or ONT with WIFI so the login method will be the same only the connection medium will only the wired on Non WIFI ONT modems. Initial configuration of Hitron Fiber ONT fetch by internet provider that a remote process and OLT automatically manage ONT device

If your ONT modem support wireless as well then you can either use the Wired or wireless option to connect from your mobile, laptop, or computer but if your ONT is without wifi then use a LAN cable from the ONT LAN port. Follow both ways to connect Hitron XPON, GPON, or EPON ONT devices to access the web interface.


Hitron FTTH ONT ONU Device Connection

The first step to access ont settings is a connection from a computer, Laptop, or mobile either wired or wireless. Probably for first-time configuration wired connection is better so you don’t need to connect again and again after making any changes in wireless settings.

Hitron default Login IP address-

Default username – cusadmin   and Hitron password– password

  • Power ON your Hitron 10G-EPON, XG-PON, and XGS-PON with the DC adapter that comes with the package.
  • To connect using WIFI from a laptop or mobile just find the default wifi SSID and Key printed to the ONT sticker.
  • Use LAN cable from Hitron Ethernet Port to computer/laptop LAN port using LAN port.
  • Open web browser and access Hitron login IP address to URL bar.
  • Use default username and password as printed to the ONT sticker to access ONU settings.
  • Once you login to Hitron settings now you can change your wireless SSID, Password, Voice, and other configurations.

Login and Setup TP Link XC220 AC1200 Wireless GPON Router

Change Wireless SSID and Password

If your Fiber Optics ONT device support Wireless then you must get the wireless settings option after login into the ONU settings page. ONT WAN internet ports are configured remotely from OLT devices that are managed by internet providers only so you can change the WiFI name and password as per your choice.

Go to Wireless- Basic Settings.

Wireless Radio- Enable

WiFi SSID– HItron WIFI SSID (change WiFi SSID as per your choice)

WiFi Channel- Auto

Wireless Security– WPA/WPA2_PSK_AES

Wireless Key- Hitron wifi key (change wifi security key and use a stronger wifi password combination with alphanumeric and special characters that are easy to remember but hard to guess).


If you ONU device supports Dual-band ONT WIFI 2.4G and 5Ghz then also change the WIFI name and password to 5G band.

Press the Save and Apply button after all configurations and you will disconnect from your wifi if you using WIFI connections to log in to your ONT device.

Connect again Hitron FTTH ONT device and change the Hitron default login password to protect settings.

Change Hitron Default Admin Password

Hitron’s default admin password is “password” which is also printed to the device sticker and easily can get from the internet so it’s recommended to update the password to secure web interface access.

Go to the Admin tab from the settings

Admin -management.

Settings username and password

Username- cusadmin

Old password- password (if you change the default password use the same password as the old password)

New Password- Create a new password as per your choice that is stronger.

Confirm  New Password- Confirm the new password again.

Idle time- 10 minutes default (idle time is a security feature that automatically logout your ONT web interface if is it inactive for certain time that you set for idle time.


After changing press “Save changes” and keep your new admin password so you can use it again. Avoid writing a new login password over the device so anyone can access settings.

This login guide will help you log in to Hitron 0G xPON ONT/ONU with voice and without voice ONT device. The default login username and password can find on the sticker if you have Hitron different ONT model number and the above login settings not working for you.

If you trying to access your already configured ONT and the default login not working as well as you are not sure about the new login password then you can make Hitron ONT factory reset using the reset button and restore into default settings. After resetting Hitron fiber ONU you can setup it up again and follow the above steps to update your wifi and other settings.

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